Pazar, Şubat 16, 2025

Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.7


Zimbra Collaboration 8.7.7 ile gelen güncellemeler:

Düzeltilen Hatalar
107823 ZCO fails to parse GetContactResponse with SMIME feature
107824 All context menu options stopped working after deleting trashed appointment and trying to take action from user calendar’s appointment
107825 Weekly Recurring Meeting not getting synced in Outlook 2016
107826 Implement GetStreamingEvents EWS API(Phase 1)
107827 SMIME: Send Flag to Server in GetContactRequest API when SMIME is enabled
106438 Caldav Shared Calendar Sync not working correctly on latest mac versions
104522 Messages sent are stored as Unread in Sent Folder on Mail app


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